Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Dead Simple Way To Make $20 Daily From Adsense

I have always taken adsense revenue lightly. Of late, I am having a total rethink because adsense is one easy way to make a passive income that just has a habit of not stopping. Okay, here’s how to easily pull $20 every single day from adsense.If you don’t have a website, the first thing you need to do is research a high traffic web niche. Niches like health, internet marketing, affiliate marketing, music, dating etc. These niches get a lot of traffic pull. Your goal will be to give out quality free stuff about the topic you choose to pull in traffic.

The next thing to do is to register a domain name and build a website, blog or forum around that niche. If you consider that too much of a trouble, just go to and create an account in 3steps. If you have a site already, just skip this step and move on to the next. Next, go to,, or any other article directory and pick up articles and quality information for your new site. Post the articles and go to the next step.Once you have that up and ready, go to and sign up a free adsense account. They will manually review your site, so it may take a while but usually not more than 48hours.

Once you are approved, login and follow the step-by-step help in the control panel to generate your adsense codes.Go back to your website and insert the codes. Test to see everything works fine but please don’t click on the ads yourself because google pays you each time the ads are clicked and clicking it amounts to cheating (all stated in the rules).You are almost done. The last bit is to pull people more traffic to your site, so they will pick up the quality information and also click your ads. This can be done fairly easily. You can write a press release and submit to, talk about the topic at online forums and leave a signature containing your website’s link, write articles, submit your site to search engines etc.The goal is to get people to start coming.

Once the traffic starts flowing, you will make $20 a day easily and with time shoot up the figure astronomically.

© Oluwafisayo Akinlolu, 2006

Sunday, April 22, 2007

New to affiliate marketing? Start out light

Most new webmasters look at the most profitable online niches, instead of focusing on what they already have a deeper knowledge in. Most people have plenty of interests, hobbies or are book-smart enough to build a small, yet profitable site built with affiliate programs, targeting that particular area. A small, non-competitive niche is exactly what the new affiliate marketer needs. The experienced derived from this first site, can prove valuable when trying to target a more competitive niche.

Just as the Internet has brought the information closer to people, it has made every bit of information likely to have readers. No matter how obscure the topic, people will always try to find interesting information. Many sports make for excellent sites, if you are a big fan of a soccer- or football team; why not make a blog about it? If the team is large enough - and you target clever keywords - you will have visitors reading your text, and hopefully clicking an ad or two. Some of the most visited web pages about sports are just blogs, and most of them do very well using affiliate programs to make money online.

The same applies to most sports; Golf, hockey, cricket or even bowling can be a good topic for a site, just make sure to evaluate the competition for each intended keyword before you start, as these are very popular sports, thus making the topic and keywords more popular online as well.
If you have more specific hobbies - such as woodworking, jewelry, pottery or any other craft - the competition are not nearly as hard, but the amount of potential visitors may be lower. No matter what niche you are targeting, make sure there are ways of monetizing your site. There are many different ways, but the most common ones are affiliate programs or contextual advertising.

If you are targeting a very small niche, contextual advertising will be likely to bring you only a small amount for each click, due to the lack of bidding for those keywords. Similarly, this can work FOR you if you are bidding for visitors using contextual ads. Finding an affiliate program in small niches may or may not be hard, but if you find a good one, you will almost always make more with a traditional program, than you would with contextual advertising.

With affiliate programs, you are able to present your visitors with products you decide fitting for them, with contextual ads, the script does this for you. While this is (or should be) highly relevant ads, you still lack the control over the specific ads. With sites in small niches - or with low amount of traffic - the importance of higher commissions are necessary to keep the site profitable. Getting only a few cents per click will not cut it if you only have a few visitors per day, but if you can present them all with a product they want, you can make quite a bit of money.

It's up to you to decide what products are likely to be of interest to your viewers, but don't be afraid to experiment. Try new or additional affiliate programs or try some contextual ads once you have some traffic. Find out what suits your site best; every site - and every niche - is unique.

Theo Swan

Thursday, April 19, 2007

10 Great Sure Proofs To Consider Before joining An Affiliate Program

One of quickest way to make money online is through affiliate programs. Fortunes are been made, millionaires are been made on a regular basis. It’s a fact that affiliate program is an exiting and thriving business on the internet today. I personally love it, and love seeing progress every week, every month as traffic increases sales go up.

However, there are many horror stories about affiliate programs and networks. People have heard them over and over again, that some are even wary of joining one. The stories they might have heard are those related to illegal programs or pyramid schemes. Basically, this kind of market does not have real or worthy products.

You do not want to be associated with these schemes. It is obvious you want to be with a program that offers high quality product that you will readily endorse. The growing number of those who have joined already and are succeeding immensely is proof enough that there are reliable and quality affiliate programs out there.

Reasons why you should consider joining an affiliate program?

It allows you to work part-time. It gives you the opportunity to build a generous residual income. And it makes you an owner of a small business. Affiliate programs have already created lots of millionaires. They are the living testimony of how hard work; continuous prospecting, motivating and training others pay off.

If ever you are deciding to join one, you must take note that you are getting into something that is patterned to what you are capable of. This will be an assurance that you are capable of doing anything to come out successful.

Before you endorse any affiliate program, here are some tips you may want to look at before choosing one:

1. Consider joining a program that you like and have interest in. One of the best ways of knowing if that is the kind of program you wish to promote is, If you are interested in purchasing the product yourself. If that is the case, chances are, there are many others who are also interested in the same program and products.

2. Look out for a program that is of high quality. For instance, look for one that is associated with many experts in that particular industry. This way, you are assured that of the standard of the program you will be going into.

3. Join in the ones that offer real and viable products. How do you know this? Do some initial research. If possible, track down some of the members and customers to give you testimonial on the credibility of the program.

4. The program that is catering to a growing target market. This will ensure you that there will be more and continuous demands for your referrals. Make inquiries. There are forums and discussions you can participate in to get good and reliable feedbacks. Remember we are talking about products that are of high demand.

5. A program with a compensation plan that pays out a residual income and a payout of 40% or more would be a great choice. There are some programs offering this kind of compensation. Look closely for one, there are some that offer 75% on every product you sell. Do not waste your time with programs that do not reward substantially for your efforts.

6. Be aware of the minimum quotas that you must fulfill or sales target that is too hard to achieve. Some affiliate programs imposes pre-requisites before you get your commissions. Just be sure that you are capable of attaining their requirements as you will not be paid without attaining the set payment standard.

7. Select one that has plenty of tools and resources that can help you grow the business in the shortest possible time. Not all affiliate programs have these capacities. Make use you decide on one with lots of helpful tools you can use.

8. Check when and how you get paid? Find out whether the program pays weekly, bimonthly, monthly etc. Check their FAQ to see if they pay through Checks, Money Wire, Paypal or a combination of the three.

9. Find program that is offering strong incentives for members to renew their membership each time. The affiliate program that provides continuous help and upgrades for its products have the tendency to retain its members. These things can assure the growth of your networks.

10. Consider joining a program that is well managed and has a good reputation. Try do a research to find out, you can do your checking at discussion forums. If you know someone in that same program, there is ho harm asking if there are many downsides involved. You might want to try emailing them at their contact address to see how fast they respond to you. This way you can sense those in good standing and those in trouble.However, you need to have a thorough and intensive knowledge about the affiliate program and network you will be promoting. Having these tips in mind will set you above your competitors, increase your earning capability and save you from any future problems you may encounter.

By: Akpo

Affiliate Tracking Software Solutions

Affiliate programs are a great way to increase traffic to and sales for your web site. There are several affiliate tracking software solutions that keep track of sales, clicks and commissions.

Affiliate tracking softwares come in a variety of packages. Software for a click based program allows you to pay affiliates a set rate for each visitor to your web site. Look for click based software with helpful features including click through tracking, link code generation, referral tracking and detailed stats.

Other software lets you set up a commission or flat rate pay for each potential customer sent via your affiliate member. You can also customize the commission schedule for individual affiliates. Commission based programs can be more economical because you only pay affiliates when their referrals generate sales.

You do not have to choose between click based or commission affiliate tracking software. Programs are available that let you use both pay arrangements.

Many affiliate tracking softwares now have private affiliate network capability. This feature is helpful for those with multiple web sites. It lets you run one affiliate program for all your web sites on your own private network as opposed to setting up affiliate programs for each site.

How does it work?

The basic premise of affiliate programs is the same for all affiliate tracking products. An affiliate joins your program by logging into the member area on your web page. There the affiliate can get the tools needed for linking to your site such as banner codes, text links and product images.

When a visitor clicks from the affiliates web page to yours, the tracking software places a cookie on the visitors computer to track him as he browses your web site. If the visitor buys a product or service from your web site, the tracking software notes the affiliate responsible for said visitor and records the sale in a database. The Administrator and the affiliate are both notified of the sale via email.

Affiliate software makes its easy to monitor the success of your affiliate programs by tracking the number of times banners or links are displayed, number of visitors who linked to your web site and how many of these visits resulted in a sale. In addition, the software keeps account of commissions earned by and payouts to affiliates.

Helpful Features

Software packages are easy to install and manage. However, software companies will gladly lend a hand to technically challenged web entrepreneurs. Look for affiliate software tracking products that provide reliable tech support and do not charge setup fees or monthly charges. The software should be easy to customize for your specific needs such as unlimited affiliate categories, automated fraud protection, performance rewards and lifetime upgrades.

By: Obinna Heche